This is part two of Practical Christianity, where we examine the answer to the question: What does it mean to “live” as a Christian? In last week’s podcast we examined offering up our lives as a “living sacrifice, which was “reasonable service” to God. In short, it means to embrace God out of grati…
What does it mean to “live as a Christian?” We hear that question asked all the time. And we hear various answers, too. Many of them erroneous. I read recently on a meme something to the effect of “I don’t reject Jesus’ teachings, I just can’t accept the behavior of those who profess to be living t…
Our liberty comes from God. The prophet Isaiah said “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” If we are losing our liberty, it’s fair to ask if our nation has rejected the “Spirit of the Lord.” In this Independence Day, don’t ask for a King, don’t ask for a government, ask for the Spirit …
Ann did what she thought was right. But they didn't tell her about the guilt, shame, and estrangement from God she would feel. She took her broken soul to the only place where she could find forgiveness: the Cross of Christ. It was here she was delivered from the pain and guilt. It was here she fou…
The question of abortion is an ethical one, not a scientific one. Science agrees with the Bible--life begins at conception. But WHEN does that life have value? And who determines it? God? The individual? Something else? Hear my perspective and exchange with some who disagree.
Life, when does it begin?
The Bible tells us about lies...and gives us the truth. The Bible tells us about two sources of information—information that has its origin in God’s revelation to us, and information meant to deceive us and turn us away from God’s revelation, which would be Satanic in origin. That’s it. Two sources…
The Bible tells us about lies. The Bible tells us about two sources of information—information that has its origin in God’s revelation to us, and information meant to deceive us and turn us away from God’s revelation, which would be Satanic in origin. That’s it. Two sources. In our "information age…
The Bible is God's revelation to man--to ALL men. It was intended to be understood. Think of the Bible as God's conversation with YOU. This podcast presents some basic approaches to understanding the Word of God as it was intended--as God's love letter to humanity. God, through His Holy Spirit, rev…
Consider this absolute truth: everything in life comes from God. There can be no meaning in life apart from God. God wants us to know Him, invites us, in fact, to know Him. Who is God and what is He like? It is important for us to know this because if we get it wrong, everything else in life will b…
Many people go to church on Easter Sunday to only hear the story of Christ’s resurrection. Yes, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith. In fact, the Apostle Paul said there is no faith without it. But the resurrection is a symbol of victory, of accomplishment, of the cul…
Jesus Christ is more than a Savior. He was a teacher, a healer, a prophet, and King. Is your relationship with Jesus Christ just about salvation? Just about life? God intended it to be so much more than that. Why did the Lord of Heaven leave His eternal glory to live amongst us? Is it just to give …
God IS NOT subject to our whims and our attempts to change who HE is. To change WHO Jesus Christ is. To change what the Bible says...about ANYTHING. Build your foundation on the foundation of the Word of God, the message of C...
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world" C.S. Lewis.
The Christian faith is not a blind faith. It is based on the testimony of Jesus Christ. It's meant to carry us through, to help us weather the great storms of life, to strengthen our reliance on God. Does your faith do that? Can it be stronger? Are there ways to strengthen it? In this podcast I sha…