Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
March 9, 2022

Will America Make it Back?

Will America Make it Back?

Difficult times are upon us and will likely get worse. The battle for the soul of America has been raging for a long time, but never more contentious than it is today. And it appears the enemies of America are winning and attempting to redefine what America stands for. Will America make it back? Will she once again become "the shining city of a hill?" Will she return to the greatness she once had? The esteem of the world? The destination of all who sought freedom? If Christians engage, if America can return to her founding values, her morality, to the Providential Hand of Almighty God. Maybe, just maybe, God will bring America back.

Difficult times are upon us and will likely get worse. The battle for the soul of America has been raging for a long time, but never more contentious than it is today. And it appears the enemies of America are winning and attempting to redefine what America stands for. Will America make it back? Will she once again become "the shining city of a hill?" Will she return to the greatness she once had? The esteem of the world? The destination of all who sought freedom? If Christians engage, if America can return to her founding values, her morality, to the Providential Hand of Almighty God. Maybe, just maybe, God will bring America back.