Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
March 30, 2022

Three Things God Will Not Change

Three Things God Will Not Change

God IS NOT subject to our whims and our attempts to change who HE is. To change WHO Jesus Christ is. To change what the Bible says...about ANYTHING. Build your foundation on the foundation of the Word of God, the message of Christ, and the preaching of the Good News. When all is swirling around you, that’s never going to change. Don't let the world tell you different. 


God IS NOT subject to our whims and our attempts to change who HE is. To change WHO Jesus Christ is. To change what the Bible says...about ANYTHING. Build your foundation on the foundation of the Word of God, the message of Christ, and the preaching of the Good News. When all is swirling around you, that’s never going to change. Don't let the world tell you different.