Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
April 20, 2022

Life's Most Meaningful Pursuit: Knowing God

Life's Most Meaningful Pursuit: Knowing God

Consider this absolute truth: everything in life comes from God. There can be no meaning in life apart from God. God wants us to know Him, invites us, in fact, to know Him. Who is God and what is He like? It is important for us to know this because if we get it wrong, everything else in life will be wrong. Nothing makes sense if God doesn’t make sense. But to seek to know God is to be honestly confronted with the truth about us and our world. In this podcast I explain some of that pursuit.

Consider this absolute truth: everything in life comes from God. There can be no meaning in life apart from God. God wants us to know Him, invites us, in fact, to know Him. Who is God and what is He like? It is important for us to know this because if we get it wrong, everything else in life will be wrong. Nothing makes sense if God doesn’t make sense. But to seek to know God is to be honestly confronted with the truth about us and our world. In this podcast I explain some of that pursuit.