Virtually every godless, hedonistic, humanistic rebellion against God’s design has been given a pass because the individual Christian—whether in the pulpit, the pew, or his community—has been intimidated into silence because they misunderstand or don’t know what the Bible says about judging. They allow themselves to come under conviction because, you know—being “judgmental” is supposed to be a bad thing. Well, it’s a “bad thing” only to those who don’t like to have any boundaries on their behavior or thought, especially DIVINE judging of their behavior.
Virtually every godless, hedonistic, humanistic rebellion against God’s design has been given a pass because the individual Christian—whether in the pulpit, the pew, or his community—has been intimidated into silence because they misunderstand or don’t know what the Bible says about judging. They allow themselves to come under conviction because, you know—being “judgmental” is supposed to be a bad thing. Well, it’s a “bad thing” only to those who don’t like to have any boundaries on their behavior or thought, especially DIVINE judging of their behavior.