Judging. The most controversial topic in the Christian faith. We’ve heard it.
· Who are you to judge me?
· The Bible says not to judge.
· The most quoted Bible verse by a non-believer in response to a Christian verbalizing his values is “Judge not” or “Judge not, lest ye be judged” from the book of Matthew, chapter 7, which, by the way, is only quoting a small piece of the context given in that passage. We’ll get into that later.
Virtually every godless, hedonistic, humanistic rebellion against God’s design has been given a pass because the individual Christian—whether in the pulpit, the pew, or his community—has been intimidated into silence because they misunderstand or don’t know what the Bible says about judging.
In the next few podcasts we’re going to look over some scriptural examples of the word JUDGE—the noun and the verb in DIVINE and HUMAN action. The standards are different. The authority is different and we must be very careful—in our zeal to be discerning, in our desire to be righteous and holy, and in our zeal to represent Christ to our fellow man—that we don’t usurp the authority of God in matters that are uniquely His to rule and act on.
It is here where the Christian gets in trouble. It is here where the Christian finds himself “holier than thou.” And it is here where the Christian zeal becomes an obstacle to the lost sinner and the Shepherd Who can save them. Let’s not be THAT Christian.