Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
April 6, 2022

Jesus and You

Jesus and You

Jesus Christ is more than a Savior. He was a teacher, a healer, a prophet, and King. Is your relationship with Jesus Christ just about salvation? Just about life? God intended it to be so much more than that. Why did the Lord of Heaven leave His eternal glory to live amongst us? Is it just to give you salvation? Or is something more…perhaps much more?

Jesus Christ is more than a Savior. He was a teacher, a healer, a prophet, and King. Is your relationship with Jesus Christ just about salvation? Just about life? God intended it to be so much more than that. Why did the Lord of Heaven leave His eternal glory to live amongst us? Is it just to give you salvation? Or is something more…perhaps much more?