Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
March 30, 2024

He is NOT here! The Empty Tomb

He is NOT here! The Empty Tomb

This is my special Easter podcast where we will be learning about the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus Christ. This may be review for some of you, or it may be new knowledge for some of you. It might be too deep for some, too shallow for others.

Either way, we are going to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ today. One of the frustrations I have had with Easter sermons over the years—and I’ll add Passion Week sermons over the years—is that they make the crucifixion and the resurrection a topical issue, not a deeply theological issue. We learn of the Lord Jesus dying on a cross and learn He rose from the dead. 

And in this vein—as it’s presented--it’s seen as just one of many paths to God. It’s simply a story meant to inspire commitment to a cause—the same way some heroic
general killed on a battlefield motivates his army to some new courage. And it’s not. It’s the story of divine justice and why it was necessary. And this story—this truth—is the ONLY WAY to God. Without hearing the why, without hearing the results, without hearing the future hope it gives to each and every believer—or the hope and invitation it gives to non-believers it won’t take on the urgency that it should. And that’s what’s missing from the Christian message today.

He died for your sins. Okay. He rose from the grave. Okay. Why do I need to know that? Why do I need to embrace that? And that’s the urgency. And that urgency requires decisions be made about it—personal decisions about what it means for your life. We need to know WHAT we should we do—and we can’t do that until we
know WHY we should do it.