Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
March 17, 2022

Defending Your Faith: Why It's Important

Defending Your Faith: Why It's Important

The Christian faith is not a blind faith. It is based on the testimony of Jesus Christ. It's meant to carry us through, to help us weather the great storms of life, to strengthen our reliance on God. Does your faith do that? Can it be stronger? Are there ways to strengthen it? In this podcast I share the things that pull me through the darkness that is our world. I hope it blesses you.

The Christian faith is not a blind faith. It is based on the testimony of Jesus Christ. It's meant to carry us through, to help us weather the great storms of life, to strengthen our reliance on God. Does your faith do that? Can it be stronger? Are there ways to strengthen it? In this podcast I share the things that pull me through the darkness that is our world. I hope it blesses you.