Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
April 26, 2024

Can I Know God? What is God Like: Part II

Can I Know God? What is God Like: Part II

Today we’re going to be wrapping up that series of podcasts “Can I Know God: What is God Like?” by looking at those qualities or attributes that He shares with US, humans. The last podcast we looked at those attributes that are uniquely His. But, since God created man with the desire to walk and fellowship with him—as is evidenced by His interactions with Adam in the Garden, these attributes have been passed through the descendants of Adam to us.



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Well hello friends, and welcome to this episode of the Chaplains Chair. Today, we're going to be wrapping up that series of podcasts. Can I know God, what is God like by looking at those qualities or attributes that he shares with us human beings? The last podcast we looked at, those attributes that are uniquely his. But since God created man.

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With the desire to walk in fellowship with him, as is evidenced by his interactions with Adam in the garden, these attributes have been passed through the descendants of Adam to us, and as always, terms and understanding what those terms mean are important. So I want to first look at some of the definitions to help us understand these attributes, and they are.

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Relative attributes, which are the attributes of God that are reflected and perfectly because of sin in human beings, and we're going to look at some of those communicable attributes, those that may be communicated capable of being imparted from one to another. As knowledge is communicable by words.

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And personality attributes or that which constitutes an individual, a distinct person, or that which constitutes individuality. Now we all know what personality traits are. We all have them. Those traits we exhibit which give our actions some predictability. I call it the way God wired me. We have heard of personality profiles. Those tests you sometimes take.

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On a dating site and a college class, maybe for a job you applied for that identify the type of person that you are. They even profess to be able to somewhat predict how someone will act or think in a given set of circumstances. We all have personality traits, and God does too. The difference is that man's traits are corrupted and bent towards evil, and God's are perfect and righteous.

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All the time, but they reveal to us the personality, what we are like and how we relate to the world and one another.

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So what are they? Well, the first one is J.

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God demonstrates moral equity and balance, and we also have a sense of of justice look to balance it in our world. We cry foul when we think that justice has been breached or not served. Our very laws are based on our our own sense of justice, whether it's personal or corporate national, however imperfect they may seem to be to some.

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God's justice, however, is perfect. If we look at Acts 1731, it says because he hath the point of the day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead.

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We add to that Revelation chapter 20 verses 11 to 13, it says, and I saw a great white throne and him that saw it sat on it, from whose face the Earth and Heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books.

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According to their works and the sea gave up the dead, which were in it and death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according to their works. Now God loves, right?

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Business and he hates iniquity. If we look at Psalm 11, verses 4 through 7, it says the Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord's throne is in heaven, his eyes behold his eyelids. Try the children of men.

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The Lord tries the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth upon the wicked. He shall reign, snares fire and brimstone, and a horrible Tempest. This shall be the portion of their cup for the righteous Lord Loveth righteousness. His countenance doth behold the upright. Now I'm.

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Going to go on a.

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Off on a soapbox here for a minute.

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I want to give a little commentary on the whole.

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God is loved bit and we're going to look at Proverbs 6.

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God is not all loving. I'm going to repeat that God is not all loving. How dare you, you say. And I had an English teacher in high school who used to say that whenever we get out of line and and said something disrespectful or untoward, well, I'm going to tell you how I dare to say that.

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Because God demonstrates it in his personality.

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A God who's all loving, must love, sin, and the truckload of consequences that go with it. And God does not love sin, any of it, or any of the cousins that are bred from it.

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And I know that word hate is hard to accept. Stop hate. You see that slogan all the time and you add whatever cause you want to add to it. And then we pushed that slogan way too far. And there are things that we should.

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Especially those things God hates. Hate is a Bible word, and God does hate certain things. The Bible even gives us a list of them. If we look at Proverbs 6, as I mentioned, verses 16 through 18, it said these six things doth the Lord Hate?

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Yeah. Seven are an abomination unto him. A proud look, a lying.

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Hung and hands that shed innocent blood. A heart that devises wicked imaginations. Feet that be swift and running to mischief. A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among the brethren proud. What is proud? Those in and throwing themselves in defiance of God's majesty. The Bible says God hates it.

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The atheist God hates it.

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A lying tongue, a liar about anything. God's design, God's Plan, God's will, God's word. The Bible says.

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God hates.

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Hands that shed innocent blood. I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

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But innocence has a particular application to the helpless, like unborn child.

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Innocent is particularly revealing here. If you agree with shedding innocent blood, the Bible said God hates it.

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A heart that devised ETH wicked. Imagination. Imagination. What your mind can craft what it can dream up. A world is full of crazy thoughts.

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Against common sense things, I've never seen anything like it in my 57 years. Women can be men. Men can be women. Men can get pregnant. The unborn isn't life. You can identify as anything or believe anything, even against what facts tell you, because you imagine in your mind that it's OK.

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You think it's OK to pervert God's design?

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The Bible says God hates it.

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Feet, swift and running to mischief. Mischief is a noun here. Intentional evil harm, injury or hurt if you're setting out to intentionally do evil.

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Spread mischief. Rioting, mayhem. You think that's OK? The Bible says God hates it.

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A false witness that speaks lies someone intentionally testifying to things they know aren't true, to the detriment of other people's. A category, I think is irrelevant. Religion, science, laws, morals, motive is irrelevant too.

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Bible says God hates it.

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So what's scored among the brethren turned people against each other, and sowing means to set things in motion for later. It's not just a matter of now. It's to create things now you know are going to cause problems and divisions later to plant things that bloom into division, contention, discord, you say, or do things to cause division immediate or in the future.

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Is that you? Do you tell lies? Political, social, religious to turn people against one another? The operative word here is lies because truth can divide 2 but it's meant to in a good way. The Bible says God hates it.

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And these are all acts committed by people. They are over deliberate acts.

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They're not vague innuendo. The things on this list, they're not scare tactics or warnings. They're not symbolic. And this portion of Scripture is a list of things people do that God hates, and it's safe to infer by reading this portion of Scripture that God hates those who perpetuate them.



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The text even uses the word abomination. That means extreme hatred and object of detestation. God detests it.

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The contrary is God loves righteousness, and this righteousness is found in his son, and that is very personal as well. Hebrews one, verse 8 says, but unto the son he sayeth thy throne, O God, is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the sceptre of thy Kingdom. Jesus is righteous, his Kingdom is righteous.

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And it's his righteousness which God accepts.

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Steps. God loves righteousness as he defines it. That's important as God defines it, God is not bound by our standard of righteousness.

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Whatever we happen to think that it is and he has a plan to restore his righteousness in the universe, not what we think is right. And we have redefined right and wrong in this country.

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So what do you mean by that? You're asking me? What do you mean? And I'm going to let the Bible answer that.

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Romans 10/3 says for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and he's Speaking of us, people are ignorant of God's righteousness. And it's this and go about to establish their own righteousness. And in doing that they've not submitted themselves.

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Under the righteousness of God, now we need to get that as a people, you want to know why a world's in such a mess? Romans 10, verse three. And that brings me to my next point.

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There is going to be a punishment of the wicked and unrighteous.

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Daniel 9 verses 12 through 14 says, and he hath confirmed his words which he spake against us.

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And against our judges that judge us by bringing upon us a great evil.

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For under the whole heaven hath not been done, as have been done upon Jerusalem, as it is written in the law of Moses. All this evil has come upon us.

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Yes, yet we made not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand truth therefore has the Lord watched upon the evil and brought it upon us. For the Lord our God is righteous in all his works, which he does, for we have not obeyed his voice.

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There is going to be a judgment judgment falls upon us. God looks upon evil and judges us for that evil. And you know what we do as a people, we don't listen. We don't obey. We just keep right on doing.

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But God will forgive the sins of the penitent. Believers. Brings me to my next point. First, John, 19, says if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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God punishes the unrighteous.

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But he forgives the penitent. It's a very important point. He keeps his word and his promises. Nehemiah, 9 seven, verse 8. Says thou art.

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The Lord, Excuse me thou. What? The Lord? The God who did choose Abram and brought him forth out of early call. These and gave him the name of Abraham and found his heart faithful before thee, and made us the covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the parasites, the Jebusites, and the Gargash sites to give it.

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I say to his seed and has performed thy words, for thou what righteous. Now this text here refers to a promise God made with Abraham more than 1500 years before this verse.

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And what's the lesson for us when God makes a promise? He.

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He he is the one responsible for keeping it. God doesn't break promises. We do when God promises to forgive your sins and grant you eternal life through Jesus Christ. He means just that. That promise depends on him, not you. And don't let anybody tell you that God will take away what he's promised to give you.

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And we're going to look at that a little bit more.

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In a minute, God also delivers and vindicates his people, and some 103 verse 6.

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Says the Lord executes righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed, oppressed in history. His people in theology oppressed by sin. Sin is an oppression where enslaved by it and God through the merits of his son Jesus Christ, has delivered us from it. It says in Isaiah 61 verse one.

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The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek. He sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.

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God also rewards the righteous Hebrews 6 verse 10 for God is not unrighteousness. God is not unrighteous. To forget your work and labor of love, which you have shown toward his name, and that you have ministered to the Saints and do Minister.

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And to fix all of this, God provides the propitiation. OK, we talked about forgiveness, but there needs to be a payment forgiven for that. There needs to be a settling of the justice and in restoring righteousness God provided for that the propitiation. Romans 3, verses 24 to 26, says being justified freely by his grace through the redemption.

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That is in Christ Jesus.

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Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remissions of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God.

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To declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of them which believeth in Jesus. Now I'm gonna refer you back to God. Keeps his word and his promises. God has made this promise throughout the scriptures.

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It started first in Genesis Chapter 3, verses 15 to 21. God said. I'm going to put an enmity between thy and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, he's talking about the fall of Adam and even the serpent. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel unto Adam also, and to his wife, to the Lord God. Make coats of skins.

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And he clothed them, and God promised it justice and judgment.

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On the serpent and he clothed Adam and Eve with coats of skins.

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Genesis 22, verse 8 says and Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering. So they went both of them together. The sacrifice that is required for the forgiveness of sins, the land that is required for that God will provide, says in John chapter one verse 29. Behold the Lamb of God.

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Referring to Jesus.

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Exodus 12/23 tells us for the Lord will.

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Pass through to Smithy, Egyptians and when he sees the blood upon the lentil and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

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God provided the sacrifice, the sacrificial giving, the blood on the on the door post.

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So that that would cover the sins of the nation of Israel. Isaiah 53 versus 4 and five says of Jesus. It's a prophetic portion of Scripture. Surely he referring to Jesus hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we did esteem him, stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Here's the key point, but he was.

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Wounded for our.

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Transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him.

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And with his stripes, we are healed and 1st John 410 wraps it up nicely. It says herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins. Now the summary of this is God is just and will settle all accounts. The books will be balanced moral justice.

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Will prevail God's standard of holiness will be restored among men. His Holiness demands it. He will restore the universe to his sense of justice.

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And again, we we asked the question well.

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Does all of this apply to me? How is it just to do something like that? Well, theologian William shed put it this way. Justice demands the punishment of the Sinner.

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And God is required to demand because justice is an attribute of his perfect holiness.

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But it may also accept the vicarious sacrifice of another, which means someone steps forward to pay your fine because you cannot afford it, as in the case of Christ.

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Who volunteered his life in place of yours?

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And that comes from God's love, which is the next attribute. God seeks the highest good of displaying his own will. Ephesians 2, verses four and five, says. But God, who is rich in mercy for his great love, wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us. That means made us alive, hath quickened us together with Christ.

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By grace.

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Are you saved and what was that? Will the displaying of his own will? What was that will and how is it manifested? How is it shown? How's it demonstrated well by making the infinite sacrifice for the salvation of the law.

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Now Isaiah 55, verse seven says let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.

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And this the contrast between God's righteousness and our right. Our unrighteousness is that let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord.

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And he will have mercy upon him and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

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John 316 tells us for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And he bestows this full and complete pardon upon penitent sinners. We look at Isaiah 55 seven again. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous.

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And his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy on him and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon we will hitch Romans 47 to that which says, saying, blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are come.



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And in this love, he ministers to those that he loves, he protects them from evil. Deuteronomy 32 versus 9 through 12 says for the Lord's portion is his people. Jacob is a lot of his inheritance. He found him in a desert land and in the waist howling wilderness. And he led him about. He instructed him. He kept him as the apple of his eye and as an eagle. Stir us up her nest.

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Flutter is over her young spreads abroad. Her wings takes them, bears them on her wings. So the Lord alone did lead them and there was no strange God with him. He made him ride on the high places of the Earth that he might eat the increase of the fields and made him to suck honey out of the rock and oil out of.

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The flinty rock.

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And in John 17, as Jesus is praying in that great chapter and verses 13 to 15, Jesus praised the father, he says, and now lie. Excuse me. And now come unto thee and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I've given them my word, and the world hates them because they are not of the world.

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Even as I am not of the world, I pray not that you should just take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from evil. God love. God's love seeks to protect and keep his people from.

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And sometimes the way to do that.

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Is to chasten and scourge or to punish you know, we do that with with our kids, don't we? We want to keep them out of trouble. We want to teach them right from wrong. And sometimes that requires discipline. Well, the chastening and scourging scourging of his children. God also does we find that Hebrews 12 versus 6 through 11, for whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges every son whom he.

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Needs if you endure chastening God deals with you as sons. For what son is he? Whom the father Chastens not, but if you be without chastisement whereof all are partakers, then are you ******** and not sons. Let me pause for a second. Basically that means you know what father doesn't discipline his children. And if God does not discipline you.

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It's fair to ask whether or not he actually is your father.

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Moving on to the verse. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subject than unto the father of spirits and live?

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For they, verily, for a few days, chastened us, after their own pleasure, for but he, for our prophet, in other words God chastens you for our good, that we might be partakers of His Holiness. And that's the reason why this God chasing and scourge.

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Believers because he wants them to be partakers of His Holiness and verse goes on and says now, no chastening for the present seems to be joyous but grievous nevertheless. Afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness under them which are exercised thereby.

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Now I'm compare those verses with Psalm 73 and I'm gonna invite you to go read that when you get a chance.

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And in being afflicted, it says in Isaiah 63 verse nine in all their affliction, he was afflicted.

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When we hurt, God hurts and the Angel of his presence saved them. And in his love and in his pity he redeemed them, and he bear them and carried them all the days of old. Now we also exhibit love as people we we act for those less fortunate. We discipline our children to teach them right. We forgive, we sacrifice and love is one of those attributes.

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That God shares with us.

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Another attribute he also shares with us is truth. Now God agrees to and is consistent with all that is represented by himself.

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You know, man, there's so many verses for this, so I'm going to invite you to Google Bible verses on truth and be amazed at what you find there. The word is mentioned 224 times, and most of these are in the Psalms in the King James Bible, the official Bible of the Chaplains Chair podcast. But I'm going to offer you a sample just the same 14-6 to saith unto him.

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I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by me, when Jesus tells you he's the only way to heaven, he's telling the truth.

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Psalm 25, verse 5 lead me in thy truth and teach me for thou art the God of my salvation.

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On thee do I wait all the day?

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Psalm 33, verse four says.

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For the word of the Lord is right in all his works are done in truth sum 138 verse two. I will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness, and for thy truth, for thou hast magnified thy word above.

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All thy name and John 1717 again in that great prayer of of the Savior Jesus Christ to God the father. The night before he was crucified it says, sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth.

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We all want the truth. We don't like being lied to. God shares the love of the truth, that desire for truth with us, but even better than that, he lets us know through his word what the truth is.

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And the next attribute that we get to is freedom. God is independent from his creatures. But let's look at the definition of freedom.

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In Webster, a state of exemption.

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From the power or control of another liberty exemption from slavery, servitude of confinement, freedom is a personal, civil, political, and religious freedom akin to liberty. Religious Liberty is is the free right of adopting and enjoying opinions on religious subjects and of worshiping God according to the dictates of our conscience without external control.

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Well, how does that apply to us?

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We have the freedom to follow God and do what is right.

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Isaiah 40 verses 13 to 14 says who hath directed the spirit of God? Or being his counselor, hath taught him with whom took he counsel and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge and showed to him the way of understanding.

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Who taught God? It says who directed the spirit of God?

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God is free. God is independent. God doesn't need anybody to help him think. Galatians 5 verse three tells us stand fast in the Liberty, Wherewith God has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke. Upon it's Yoko Bonnet, that's that's kind of a key point. If you go back to Webster's definition, Galatians 513 says for brethren.

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You've been called unto liberty only use, not liberty, for an occasion to the flesh, but by love. Serve one another. Now do I really need to explain the love of freedom in America? Each individual in this explanation is free to serve God according to the will and word of God. We're independent.

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Were accountable as individuals to God.

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Now let's move on to holiness.

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God is righteous and Webster says holiness is the state of being holy purity or integrity of moral character, free from sin, sanctity, and applied to God. Holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character.

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One of his essential attributes now for us Websters rights applied to human beings. Holiness is a purity of heart or disposition. There's a distinction only God is holy. We as human beings are not holy. We have this definition here, purity of heart or disposition. Sanctified affections. Sanctification is a podcast for another time.

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Piety, moral goodness, but not perfect. The first Peter 115 to 16 says.

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But as he which hath called you is holy, so be holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written be holy, for I am holy first, John, 15, said this then is the message of which we've heard of him, and declare unto you that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

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And that is revealed in Scripture as we just read in first Peter 115 and 16. But it's also evidenced by our own moral constitution. If we look at Romans 2 verses 14 through 16, it's just for one the Gentiles, which have not the law, what he means by that.

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For the Gentiles, they don't have the mosaic law. They don't have the laws of exodus of 10 commandments etc.

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But it's the verse goes on and says do by nature the things contained.

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To the law.

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These that have not the law are a law unto themselves. Now let me pause there for a second. They weren't given the law of Moses. They weren't given the 10 commandments, but by their nature they do follow that law.

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Even when they don't have the law, and that's a law unto themselves, and the risk goes on and so.

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Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts. The mean while accusing or else excusing one another in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. Now what does that mean? Exactly? What means the laws of God are intuitively.

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Wired into man. He knows what they are, even though he was not given those 613 laws in the mosaic law that include the 10 Commandments. But he knows in his heart what they are.

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If we look at Romans 1 verses 18 to 20 and we get a little bit of a better explanation or some clarification for lack of a better term, it says for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness. Is it because here because that which may be known of God is manifest?

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In them, for God hath showed it unto them.

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And then it goes on and explains how. And we talked about this and I think the very first podcast on this can I know God, this general revelation, it says for the invisible things of him, of God, from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made. Those are those things that God created, even his eternal.

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Power and godhead. We look at nature. We see God. If I can pause and explain that and it says, because we can do that we are without excuse.

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We know because God wired us that way.

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This is also evidenced by our actual dealings with God. Some 85 verse tenses. Mercy and truth are met together.

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Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

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God has given us mercy and truth and brought those things together.

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And given us righteousness and peace.

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And it's evidenced by God's redemptive purpose and provision. If we look at Romans 326 and I read this verse earlier, it says to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth.

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In Jesus.

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And 1st Corinthians 130 says but of him are ye in Christ Jesus? Who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, and back to first Peter, 115 and 16, which I read already.

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But as he which hath called you was holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation, because it is.

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And be holy, for I am holy.

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Now to wrap this.

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And summarize this as we submit to God his will, his word we grow in grace, knowledge, obedience, preparing ourselves in this life, for the sanctification when we're presented by Christ to himself, wholly and without blemish in the next life and in the closing thoughts in theologian and Bible scholar.

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EG Robinson said the one aim of Christianity is personal holiness.

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But Personal holiness will be the one absorbing.

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And attainable aim of man only as he recognizes it to be the one preeminent attribute of God. And in closing the series of podcasts on the question can I know God's important to recognize?

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First, I think that.

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God is holy.

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And that knowledge should do three things in our minds. One inspire us to realize the greatness of God and his righteousness.

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Two to force us to accept.

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How utterly short force us to admit how utterly short.

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We we come to that standard.

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We're not holy, we're not even close. And three drive us to the Cross of Jesus Christ. Where reconciliation with God is the purpose of Christ's redemptive work.

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Now moving on from this this question, can I know God that chat which chair is going to be doing some episodes on the Trinity? At least one anyway, maybe 2, but I hope this series of podcasts has been a blessing to you. I hope it's caused you to recognize the holiness of God from the Bible and inspired you to seek Jesus, to restore or strengthen your relationship with God. And this is Chaplain Tim signing off. I want to thank you.

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For stopping by.

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You have a great day and God bless you.