Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time!
The Chaplain's Chair

The Chaplain's Chair

Chaplain care is soul care. And caring for your soul starts with telling you the truth. In the words of Francis Schaeffer, "Truth demands confrontation, loving confrontation, but confrontation nonetheless. If our reflex action is always accommodation, regardless of the centrality of the truth involved, there is something wrong."

You know, we live in a world of swirling ideas and conflicting values, all brought to us via 24/7 media outlets, gossip, half-truths, and outright lies. It can be difficult to discern what the truth is. And with each passing day we are losing voices willing to speak the truth and confront the error.

Whether it’s our community, our family, our work, our marriages, or even our politics, I’ve learned the Bible always offers sound guidance–truth–to help us deal with the many storms of life. And the Bible requires that we share it.

From my “chaplain’s chair” I try to speak the truth and speak to your soul—based on my personal life experiences, study of the Bible, history, and philosophy. You might find I am not much different than you.

You WILL NOT agree with everything you hear on this podcast. That’s fine. But I hope I will leave you something to think about. Thanks for listening! I invite you to subscribe to the podcast and invite your friends. Thanks for stopping by!

Recent Episodes

April 26, 2024

Can I Know God? What is God Like: Part II

Today we’re going to be wrapping up that series of podcasts “Can I Know God: What is God Like?” by looking at those qualities or attributes that He shares with US, humans. The last podcast we looked at those attributes that …
April 13, 2024

Can I Know God: What is God Like?

We have seen the all too common and well-worn out image of God being this cosmic grandfather—this gentle old man—in His glowing white beard and glowing white robe, sitting on some glorious marble throne in some far-off heave…
March 30, 2024

He is NOT here! The Empty Tomb

This is my special Easter podcast where we will be learning about the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus Christ. This may be review for some of you, or it may be new knowledge for some of you. It might be too deep for some, too …
March 24, 2024

The Passion of Jesus Christ

This week’s podcast is going to look at the climax of Passion Week, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and what that means for us. I limit the application to Jesus’ suffering in Gethsemane, His betrayal, arrest, faux …
March 17, 2024

Can I Know God? More Basic Truths

Continuing our studies in Biblical doctrine and practical theology in this podcast, which is a fancy way of saying "What does the Bible teach and how does it apply to my life?" We started out with why the Bible is important …
Feb. 17, 2024

The Hell of Addiction and What We Can Do About It

Recognize something about addiction, folks. It is first and foremost a SPIRITUAL BATTLE. Don’t let a society that doesn’t believe in God tell you different. The medical and psychological labeling of addiction is just that: a…

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Why the 2nd Amendment is Still Important

Exercise Your Right “The police cannot be everywhere at once.” That statement would seem common sense to most people. In fact, if you do a cursory internet search of that sentence, you will find that it is an admitted truth from the Pre…

Even in Tragedy, Support the 2nd Amendment

Evil will rear its ugly head and use whatever device is available, whether it’s a gun, automobile, knife, or bomb. We seem to be unwilling, as a society, to admit that evil will occur regardless of the availability of firearms and we should ha…

Arming Teachers: LIVE for the Students

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission studying the high school mass shooting has offered a suggestion: allow teachers to be armed. The usual opposition to such a measure was swift, namely that teachers are hired to &ldquo…